It's become clear to me the past few months how powerful the typed word can be around here.
It seems like every other week there's a prep sports team feeling overlooked or undervalued in the public sphere.
"Such and such team was not featured in The Tribune this week! How dare that Scroggin?!"
I've come to terms with the sentiment. It's a fact of life that every team in every sport cannot be mentioned in every story.
I'm usually allowed between 525 and 630 words to tell an engaging story you want to read — even if a friend or relative of yours is not playing — and include all the pertinent facts. Considering I've already typed more than 115 words so far on this blog post, it's not very much space.
So maybe you won't read about yourself or your favorite team in the sports pages tomorrow. With a dozen schools teaming up on one sports reporter, you probably won't.
Smart coaches have used the perceived slight as motivation. And that's all right with me. I'll still keep making coverage decisions based on the same criteria.
But know that if your team isn't getting constant coverage, there's still a positive to come out of it.
Your school's coach may be giving the uber-effective us-against-the-world speech right now as you read this.
And since The Tribune's coverage already produces so much bulletin board material, here's some more: Countywide power rankings for some of the winter team sports.
Boys Basketball
1. Morro Bay
2. San Luis Obispo
3. Mission Prep
4. Paso Robles
5. Templeton
Also considered: Arroyo Grande
Girls Basketball
1. Arroyo Grande
2. Morro Bay
3. Mission Prep
4. Atascadero
5. Paso Robles
Boys Soccer
1. San Luis Obispo
2. Paso Robles
3. Arroyo Grande
4. Nipomo
5. Atascadero
Girls Soccer
1. Arroyo Grande
2. San Luis Obispo
3. Atascadero
4. Nipomo
5. Mission Prep
1. Atascadero
2. Morro Bay
3. Paso Robles
4. Nipomo
5. Arroyo Grande
Hey, if your team wasn't mentioned or isn't as high as you think it should be. Feel free to print this page out, highlight whatever parts and send it to the coach. Some free motivation care of this blog. Happy Holidays!
** Regarding the omission of girls water polo: I don't know enough about anything at this point except Arroyo Grande might be the best around. I guess you can think of that statement as a bonus track of motivation.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Bulletin board material
Posted by
Joshua D. Scroggin
4:34 PM
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thankyou for puttin MB number one they deserve it, their making me a happy graduate of the bball team.
Scroggins, you made a promise in the previous post and have not followed thru on it.
The All-League fall sports stuff is coming! It was pushed back, but it will be appearing in full for every team in every sport soon.
A man of his word. Thanks.
Thanks for finally posting something about soccer. League opens tonight with a big game AG vs SLO...
Yep, SLO should win this one.
Templeton boys Basketball will win the Los Padres League and be the Best Team in the county. And they have the best player in the county Michael Hattar.
Why is morro bay wrestling ranked higher if they lst to Paso Robles
I mean lost
who's the crazy guy that thinks hattar is better then royer? ive played against both of them for multiple years and royer can do things hattar could only dream hattar cant do anything off the dribble, i had to gaurd him half of a game last year and he had 6 points in the half. by the way morro bay will win league.
mbbball is a child. Is there an age limit for posting on this blog? That explains the childish comments he's been posting. Any adult knows Hattar is better. And Morro Bay is over rated again, just like in football.
any adult? because youve polled every adult in the county and you know what everyone thinks right? tell me what hattar can do better. and before you call someone else a child why dont you check your stats buddy, mb has played much better schools then templeton and they still have a better record. plus they beat oakland high which is a good inner city school, who's templetons quality win? atascadero or mission? two programs that are a lot weaker this year then usual. so yea check your facts before you make statments. if anyone's overrated its templeton.
morro bay football overrated...........even if they were they still beat Templeton at the way did Templeton even make the playoffs in Football? Just curious
Templeton EARNED a spot in the playoffs with a good season and got left out only from a coin toss. If Templeton had played Morro Bay again they would have beat them.
morro bay lost to paso because paso was at full strength and morro bay was not as the season goes on and mb has more wins against better teams and paso settles into the middle that will become clear... That still won't stop the grey hounds from running all over them tho...and so it is because i am the wrestling god
And by them i mean mb and paso
if if if, and if paso played atascadero then played mb and THEN templeton, templeton coulda won too right? what kinda assumption is that to make IF templeton had played mb they woulda won. what makes u think they have a better chance the 2nd time. plus like i just said IF doesn't mean anything.
Why are we arguing over football? Let me set it straight: Templeton had the better football team. Morro bay had the better football player in Logan Budd. Logan Budd was better than the Templeton football team.
Now, on to basketball. I think Hattar and Royer are pretty much equally good. MB has played a SLIGHTLY tougher schedule, and Hattar has a few more points, rebounds, assists, and 3-pointers than Royer. So stop bitching at wait until they play each other!
Captain, you are the voice of reason.
Thank you
because captain if we dont discuss/argue our point of views then whats the point of this blog huh? we dont have to get personal about it, but if theres no discussion then this blog is worthless.
btw royer avgs more rebs, but you got everything else right.
there is no doubt in my mind that royer is at least 10x better than hattar. i have seen royer put up numbers against some very good defenders. hattar is a nobody who has really just made his name this year by shooting the ball every single time down the court
Templeton 81, Pioneer Valley 64: Michael Hattar scored 44 points in leading the Eagles to the home win in PAC 7 play
royer 10X better, can he score 440 points?
Mr nobody scores 44 points.
Templeton was a better team than Morro Bay in Football? How can you say that! Morro Bay played Templeton when both were undefeated (and at full strength)and Morro Bay won ..AT YOUR HOUSE! Morro Bay then went UNDEFEATED the rest of the year. They beat St. Joe 46-16 to win the LPAL, they beat Nipomo 34-0, and Pioneer Valley 19-3 who all went to the playoffs. Budd is a great player, but the other 10 on the field proved that they were a good team. Jerome Long was a monster on a defense that only gave up an average of 7 point a game in league. Why can't you give credit when credit is due! Morro Bay had a great season. Not bad for a small school on the coast!
ok ok, idk who said that royer was 10x better, that was a bit of an overstatment. but he is better, yes hattar had 44, and he is a good player, but like anonymous said he does take ALL the shots, their offense is set up for hattar, trust me i know i played against him. if you look at mb they have about 4 guys at or above 8 ppg, templeton on the other hand has 2 guys above and one guy barely under 8. the scoring is way more spread out for mb. no doubt in my mind if royer is on templeton he could put up numbers in the 40's too. btw dont act like royer cant score he's hit 30 many times too, your talking about a kid that has avg 20 ppg or more since his soph year.
can we just wait until MB & Templeton play? Even then, it won't settle 'the best player', because MB has a slew of players that can shoot the trey and Bussberg inside. Let's hope they both play man defense and the two get to guard each other, and then we can talk ......maybe
However, no coach in his right mind would probably play man D (MB maybe) for most of that game..
Nobody cares about these sports its all about football.
How is Garried Mitchell second team he was clearly if you went to the games the best hitter and tackler in the Pac 7 he had alot of interceptions and he was also a better returner than Nathan Nelson if you watched this kid he was in the highlights every friday night with a huge hit or big play
He will be a superstar for paso next year a three year starter and the leader of the bearcats
see thats where ur wrong because no one knows who the hell Garried Mitchell is? is he the one that just released the mitchell report or something?
Shut up this kid is extremely strong and talented and if you played against him you would know who he was.
I agree with that other guy i dont know how hes not first team he could also be all CIF
neither templeton or morro bay will win the LPL.. that honor will go to St. Joes
and can anyone in the central coast even dunk.. basketball is just filled with non athletic players these days
u shoulda come to the christmas classic dunk contest. bob mott can throw down, sam schur from st joes, im pretty sure royer and hattar can both dunk
Not qiute like the days of Derrick jasper and tyrone armstrong from Paso robles is it they could throwit down with alley oops and huge dunks all game long
who do you guys think are the top three teams in the county in order?
yea basically if ur looking for dunkers, ur looking at bob mott and taylor bussberg from mb. idk how many dunks mott has in games but bussberg has 5 already this season, of course im sure nobody knows that.
i know schur can throw down but idk if he does in games.
i dont think its the athleticism in the area as much as the height, u gotta remember armstrong and jasper were both 6'6 and 6'7, mott and bussberg are like 6'2 .
does anyone know if hattar can jump at all? ive never seen him try to it seems.
Okay, I'm a bit late, since I don't follow blogs all day, but "undefeatedlpalchamps" made the comment saying I was unjust in calling Templeton's football team better than Morro bay's. I still stand by that statement.
Fist half: Logan Budd rushes for 154 yards, throws his 53 yard touchdown strike to Ryan Lugo, and scores two rushing touchdowns, one passing, and fools the Templeton defense by faking a carry and having Duran Gonzales walk into the endzone without any needed blocks. 27 points are scored to Templeton's 10.
Second Half: Logan budd rushes for 40 yards, passes for 10, and the morro bay offense has a 3-and-out for every drive except for the last one in the last 50 seconds of the game. Templeton rushes for two more touchdowns, sacks budd twice, forces three fumbles, and drives it down to MB's 10. The game-winning pass bounces off the hands of Tyler Bogart's, and lands into, you guessed it, Logan Budd's hands, and with less than 60 seconds left, Morro Bay kills the clock. Templeton has held MB's offense to less than 70 yards of gain, and zero points. Templeton's offense rushes for over 100 yards, and passes for over 50.
I think I know what I'm talking about. Let me state it again: Morro bay's team is not better than templeton's team. Logan Budd is better than Templeton's team.
Now, on to basketball. I also stand by my statements. Hattar is a "ball hog"? Then why does he have more assists than Royer? Oh, that's right, because Dan Rubin and Jordan Stuedmann are busy scoring off of those assists.
Wait until Morro Bay and Templeton play to see who's better.
just to let you know captain of templeton i think the mb vs templeton kinda died off it was more about the dunk contest and power rankings thing.
but as ur point of hattar avg more asists then royer, its 2.5 to 2.3, its not a significant enough amount to say the royer is more of a ball hog. the fact is both of the players take a large amount of shots for their teams, their supposed to their the best players on their teams. but i think what it is, is that templetons offense is literally ran for hattar, it was like that last year and its the same if not more this year. of course a lot of stuff for mb runs through royer, but mb has more weapons offensivly considering as of right now they have 4 guys avg double digits so they run stuff for other guys too.
Hey, it's christmas eve!
Yes, you make a point, but I can say that Templeton has 2 more guys that average over 20 points, and if you're going by stats, morro bay has played 3 more games than templeton right now, so there's going to be more numbers up and higher averages. I'd say they're about even, and we'll see who the better team is when they face off.
Oh, and I know the football died off, I was just wanting to clarify an idiot's assertations as being wrong, and I haven't been blogging lately.
wait two more guys avg over 20 ppg? templeton doesn't have anyone else in double figures besides hattar, their next highest scorer is 9 ppg.
and mb playing two more games would not switch the avg points up. if we were talking about total points i see your point, but avg doesnt matter by how many games they've played. unless its like 1 because a guy coulda been hot.
Okay, I stand corrected, it is 9 ppg. But pretty much everyone else on the team is in the high single-digits. Although that doesn't seem like much, MB doesn't have those sort of figures.
and the averages do change in 3 games, by about 5-6 points, which is a lot if you are talking about 4 or 5 MB players, because that means up to 25 more points scored each game, which is quite a big leap in basketball.
I do agree that there are more high scorers on Morro Bay's team, but templeton has more slightly-fewer scoring players, it all evens out in the end.
Does basketball have a rivalry trophy between Morro Bay and Templeton like they do in football?
nope wish they did, but the coaches havent figured that one out yet ha.
and captain you lost me with ur explanation haha. i think ur trying to say a team can lose their avg by 5-6 points over 3 games cus some guys might not perform as well. but on the other hand it can go the other way and their avgs can go up. and i dont get what u meant by templeton having more slightly fewer scoring players.
Morro Bay- 1 high scoring baller, 3 well scoring ballers
Templeton- 1 really high scoring baller, rest of team decent-scoring ballers
Both teams: about even as it is.
hey scroggin how bout a new blog post? like maybe new power rankings for bball or somethin else basketball oriented?
"Hattar’s 50-point performance eclipses his 44-and 42-point games he had recorded earlier this season."-Tribune
enough said
best player?
I'm a big MB fan but the best player right now?
1) no player means more to their team.
2) MB could win (not as much) without Royer
3) Templeton would be DOA without Hattar
4) Stats, and one BIG one. FG percentage. Hattar's FG % is amazing for a HS player. 58%, are you kidding me, that means he's not shooting ENOUGH. He and Royer are almost same in assists. Royer is @ 38%, which means his shot selection is not the best, is trying to create a few too many shots off the dribble, or he's just not a great HS shooter. Either way, that stat is astounding. Hattar is, no doubt, the best player right now.
Royer is an astounding well-rounded player no doubt, but unless he brings is FG % up to 45%, you won't convience me he's the better.
ur right that the fg% is better for hattar, but their are 2 things, one royer does create stuff off the dribble, something hattar can not do very well, not nearly as well as royer does. and 2 its a different system, mb shoots a lot of 3's and templeton's offense is made to get lay ups. royer is a much better shooter then hattar, watching them both play its easy to see. but hattar seems to get a lot more layups in the templeton offense. hattar is obviously way more valuable to templeton your right, but who's to say that if royer is at templeton he wouldn't do the same thing? and i think the last thing to note is that the best stats dont necisarily mean the best player, last year dominique saunders got player of the year casue he avg 30. but luis from mission was the guy that got a scholarship to play at chico state, while saunders went to play at some jc. i mean of course saunders is very good, but luis was more of a force as a player and had more skills to play in college
too bad the tribune doesn't say that hattar also took as many shots as the rest of his team did, and that their next highest scorer that game was 8 points....
stats can be misleading, but...
not always, 58% is phemonmenal, and.... layups are a good shot selection.
The 58% shooting percentage is similar to Logan Budd's TD to interception ratio or QB rating - it is miles ahead of the BEST other County players, 58% compared to mostly 40% shooters. Look at the shots taken, Royer takes more shots.
As to the 'systems' being different, so what? FG% is FG%, and Hattar is a leader in 3-point FGs, so it's not just layups.
The point is Hattar is shooting lights out compared to everyone and by a huge margin, and 38% should be unacceptible to a player like Royer, it means there are too many poor shots being taken for a player that is that good. I would expect a player like Royer to shoot a better percentage. If I was a player that good, I'd be PO'd at shooting only 38%.
It will be interesting to see how each player peforms when the two teams play.
Scroggins, can you say BORING? This subject is 3 WEEKS OLD. Give me a break. You want us to keep up the posting during basketball season. How abut you put out a little effort. Put up some new stuff or I'm looking for another blog that actually cares. Also, change out that bad photo of you on the front web page. Use the one on this page instead.
i know lay ups are good, its a great shot im not bashing that. i was jus saying its easier to make lay ups then it is to shoot 3s or take long jumpers which is more of mb's game.
but ur right royer should up his shooting percentage, last year when i played he was shootin a lot better, i think his overall percentage was like 40% but this year he's shooting 48% from 2pointers and 28% from 3 pointers as opposed to last year he was 42% from 2 pointers and 38% from 3. i jus think it was more consistency, hopefully he'll pick up tho cause i know he has the ability to shoot better then anyone else on the coast.
p.s. i still think morro bay will kill templeton, but we'll have to wait and see
and i also agree we need a new blog topic
yeah, sorry for not bringing on the updates. we're very short-handed in the sports department right now, and holidays have been tough with time off, etc. my responsibilities extend to plenty of things that don't really have my name on them, so i'm not really lazy. it just looks that way.
but enough excuses.
i'm working on a new poll and a new blog post tonight. hopefully, it'll be up soon!
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