Word from the "Bloggin' with..." pipeline is that San Luis Obispo High seniors Darren Mullen, Dan Howell and Robby Nadalsky have all inked letters of intent to play baseball at NCAA Division I schools next year.
Nadalsky wasn't a surprise. He'd announced his verbal commitment to Cal State Northridge long ago. Howell's late commitment was somewhat expected. He took a visit to Hawaii when I was going through All-County team stuff a couple weeks ago. Now, he's inked with the Warriors, said a source.
Mullen, the PAC 7 MVP and single-season Tigers record-holder for RBI, seemed resigned to attend either Palomar or Cuesta College next year.
Not so, in the end.
Out of the blue, Northridge made an offer after finding some newfound holes in its catching depth chart. So, Mullen will join Nadalsky and become a Matador.
Three guys from one team signing with D-I schools? When's the last time that happened around here? I know San Luis has had some talented teams in the past. Anybody recall three from one team making it big?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
SLO High baseball trio get scholarships
Posted by
Joshua D. Scroggin
5:20 PM
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San Luis has historically had great ball players. Way to go SLO. You guys played a great season.
D1. Cool...................
Casey Candaele is an extremely talented coach. With the combination of the talent of these boys and Candaele's excellent coaching skills, this is no surprise.
The 1978 team had some huge talent, Earl (Lemmie) Miller, Larry Lee, Charlie Deeds and other's.
ya its a shame they couldn't make it past the first round of playoffs with so much "talent"
SLO High is one of the smallest schools in the PAC7 (1560). It's hard to get a roster good enough for the long haul in the playoffs. But a Huge enrollment school like Paso (2300) should easily make it far. But do they?
ya, you obviously recall that 1978 first round playoff game and they did come up on the short end of a one run game. Anything can happen in the playoffs man. This years talented team also lost in the first round of the playoffs in a not so close game. Still I don't believe that lessens the fact that they were both teams full of talent.
Why does everyone hate on Paso so much? Just curious. They may have a higher enrollment, but they don't recruit kids like some schools do (MP), or get the leftovers when the recruiting blows up in their face (SLO).
1978, that's a long time ago. No one hates on Paso. They just keep saying they are better then anyone else in any sport. Just saying the SHOULD be, They have a huge school. If you compare them to other schools of that size in Cali then they are average at best. Take that huge enrollment and train them like Atas does and make it to a final for once. Nomore bragging about just making the playoffs. That's not good enough. Atascadero is the STUD town north of the grade for outstanding High School athletics with a relatively small enrollment.
The question by Scroggin was, "San Luis has had some talented teams in the past Anybody recall three from one team making it big?
Ya, Atascadero has had and continues to have some great coaching. Jerry Tamilier was one of the best coaches I ever had when he was first starting out at SLOHS. No question with Welsh. Paso had had some outstanding coaching also. Larson of course comes to mind right away. Paso has really grown, the bigger schools in the area are always viewed as a villian. It used to be Santa Maria and Lompoc!!
Hrllo Ya,
He asked about players not coaches.
He also didn't ask which was the Stud town north of the grade either?
and scott larson is not a good coach. He's never accomplished anything without jasper and even with him didnt really win anything
i especially like how larson jumped ship the year after jasper left, he knew that only playing 6 guys that year would bite him in the butt the following year, so what does he do? jumps ship, lets conde get the blow for a team with no playing time or game experience, then comes back as the "hero" for rebuilding the team this past season... all under the guise of it being a personnel decisions to let conde go
Which school has a player to go on to a D1 school and WIN A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP?
A great player can't be judged until the final chapter. What's the farthest any SLO player has ever gone? How about Paso?
well Jason Botts, form Paso, is playing for the rangers right now
I would call that Great.
Paso's on top until someone can find a better final chapter.
1) Paso - Botts. MLB
2) Atas - Overland. College Champ
3) SLO - ????
No. read this.
Atascadero is #1 How can you say Paso is better?
although botts got a sniff at the big leagues he has sense been sent back to the minors....
started his college career as the starting catcher... however, began to dwindle in PT over the years, becoming the main back up... then finally getting some pt
however, SLOHS currently has at least 2 professional athletes that i can think of..... 1) Chris Sietz (Spelling) pro soccer goalie... Real Salt lake I believe and 2) Katie Burkhart - professional softball in Philly also record setting pitcher at Az State
those 2 have have very prominent roles on their college teams... both all-americans in their given sport
Also.... slo high had
Ritchie Price - NY Mets
Trevor Caughey - Orioles
thats all i can recall... however, i feel that there are a quite a few from the Caughey era to get a smell at the minors
the motts also made their way through the minors with the angels and twins
also in santa barbara county you have...
robin ventura
mark brunell - nfl
dustin kelly - red sox -minors
Let's go back up to "and scott larson is not a good coach. He's never accomplished anything without jasper and even with him didnt really win anything".
Just leave. Are you serious? Just go. You are absurd. Almost 100% you go to Mission. Just stop, I think I should make a list of all the reasons to hate MP. You are at the top. Larson stopped coaching for personal reasons, not because he had some grand scheme to come back after a year off and lead the greatest bounceback year in the history of the north county.
how does this blog always turn into something about MP.... no where mentioned was MP other than the recruiting part towards the top, it has been 2 years.... get over it good lord.
this blog was never about MP but turned into it once again, its amazing.
All the schools in this county have graduated a lot of players, as for larson, it sure as heck seems odd that he coached for that many years and then once jasper graduated it was time to take a step away... then come back again
as for coaches, Vic Ecklund did a great job in the 90s with those football teams winning a CIF championship.
the unfortunately, central coast sports doesn't compare to the so cal teams. every once in awhile someone or a team comes along that could make a run. and you can go on and on the reasons behind it... recruiting down south, bigger population, blah blah... but the fact of the matter is that there are only a few kids around here who will put in the extra work and time that it will take to move to the next level.
I think slohs will have a few more kids go D1 in baseball next year
like who?!?
Let's not forget Napoleon Kauffman from Lompoc or Rusty Koontz from Paso who won the world series with the Tigers in the 80's. Going back even further, Paso had an NFL player, Parrish, who played with the St. Louis Cardnials (I think he was the team's rookie of the year), and the Rams. Also went to Stanford. For a small area, SLO county does allright. There are not the developmental opportunities in any sport up here that there are in So Cal, and that's the problem in today's age of speciality. By the way, I don't know if Larson would have returned if things had gone well for Paso during his one year off. It must have killed him to see what happened to his program, after it went 2-22 or whatever.
also. Loren Roberts.... SLOHS grad... killing it on the Champions Tour
i agree with the opportunities, most kids need to go down to LA to play... as did Royer and Danny Anderson who went to play for the RockFish.... although they probably didnt get much PT... its still an opportunity to play with some of the best athletes in the state
it is also the reason why Jasper went to Fresno to play for the EBO team.... he played with both Lopez boys and they are in the NBA now... Jasper has been an exception to the rule and with a good showing in Vegas and a healthy knee could be a nice bench player or role player on an NBA roster
im gonna go out on a limb and say the kid above me is from coast union.
Could it be the Tribune is a San Luis Obispo paper? Paso, Atas, Arroy etc all have their own papers. He better write about SLO..........
The Tribune a San Luis Obispo County-wide newspaper. And we pride ourselves on forging a pretty solid record of fair coverage.
Good teams and/or players earn recognition and headlines — not towns.
Keep up the debate, but keep it clean.
- JD
Nadalsky, Howell and Mullin are all playing for the Rattlers this summer. Come out to the stadium and check them out.
Only time will tell. I've known these guys for more than 10 years (no, I'm not a dad)
Dan's got pure talent, but he still runs hot and cold. His head is the only thing holding him back. He just needs to figure out what he really wants. I thought he might leave surfing behind(& the surfer culture) and finally really concentrate on baseball. I'm a little concerned about his choice in Hawaii.
Robby's been working towards a sports goal his whole life (he thought it would be football for several years). I don't think he even knows if it's his goal or his dad's goal, but I guess that's what it takes. His dad is at least not one of really obsessed sports dads.
Darren has an incredible work ethic for baseball, and he's got a lot of talent. But he's got a lot to deal with in the most sport obsessed dad I've ever met. He's got everything riding on his boys. I'm really glad Darren's leaving SLO to get out from under his parents overbearing eyes. This will be a good chance for him to start to think for himself.
i agree.... i remember the days of mullen's dad pacing back and forth in the outfield smoking. guy never sat still
im sure hell be the dad that goes to every college came his kid plays also... and i think sean has the brighter future, once he gets comfortable with his big frame should be fun to watch for the next 3 years to watch him grow...
also, bob mott is on the rattlers i see, hes getting a walk on spot at San Francisco (cant remember if its state or USF)
oh and he probably wasnt coast union kid... more than likely a templeton kid.... they tend to have the biggest h*** on against mission... im interested as to what it actually said haha
So SLO doesn't have a local paper like the other cities. Thanks for making that clear Scroggs. What city do you live in Scroggs???
The Tribs going out of business anyway. What does it matter. Congratulations to the SLO kids. Also to Overland and his Fresno Championship.
Congrats also to Mott for his sucess on the Rattlers this summer, and his spot on the USF D-1 team. He did get a scholarship, but it's a academic scholarship that's renewable every year.
Sports are great, but the reality is these kids need to consider their future beyond sports.
To the sports psychology genius "Anonymous": Your critique of the SLO Tigers 3 regarding Howells 'head problems' and your conern for his choice of schools; Nadalsky's inability to determine who he is playing for, (his father or himself); and Mullen's "most sports-obsessed Dad you've ever seen" beg the question: Since you obviously must have a son playing baseball with them during the more than 10years you have known "these guys", are we to assume your negative criticims come from envy that your son did not have the sufficient talent, ability, work ethic, or supportive parents to have achieved the success the 3 have? Or is your post just a case of a Little League parent's "sour grapes". Waaaaaaa - Boo Hoo, my loser kid didn't get picked so I'll rag on yours.
PS... as to the 'most sports obsessed Dad you've ever heard of'...
does the hame Tiger Woods ring a bell ????
all 3 will do fine in college...once again people are over analyzing things
I would like to clarify my previous post. I am not a Team Mom to any of the SLO Tigers or PAC 7 players. My apologies for the omission - it was not my intention to cause embarrasment to anyone.
Former Obsessed Team Mom - now Anonymous
Coast Union is going to beat Mission Prep in girls basketball this year.
Isn't this a baseball blog?
Give it a rest.
To "Obsessed Team Mom":
Your mean-spirited response says more about you than it says about the blogger you critisize.
I agree with the sentiments of that blogger you thought must have a "looser kid".
All 3 of those young men have talent and potential. I think that blogger has fairly identified the main obsticles(aside from injury) they will have to come to grips with as they enter their adult career in sport.
Yep. Mission Prep will dominate next year.
Hey Obsessed Team Mom: Did Sports Psycologist hit a little too close to home?
A little heavy on the anger there!
"Looser Kid"??....Nice...
Hi Josh, this is Annette Mullen. Some people had told me about your site here and comments and ideas people are sharing. After reading some things, I have spoken to the other two mothers of the 3 and I know myself as a mother am a little sad things like this are happening. In the end we are parents and care for no harm to come to our children in life or text. I am hoping this back and forth thing can end with my coming on. There are many young people and sports out there to comment on in a good and positive light. Have a great summer!
They're all grown up now Mrs. Mullen. They're all very capable of dealing with this themselves. Time to let go.
Yuk....you mean this has been moms posting all along. That explains all the emotional name calling. To all the young "MEN" who need their MOMS to do the alking for them.....
GROW UP little boys
What's ALKING?
My mom alk's for me!
I think alking fills the gaps in drywall. Not sure, but I heard my Mom say that once.
haha this is the most rediculous blog ive ever seen, moms, alking, crazed sport psychiatrists, keep posting please its keeping me entertained.
Howell, Nadalsky, and Mullen are all very good baseball players who will be serviceable players in Division I.
Howell has the best potential, just needs to focus on his meal ticket sport and keep working on the lessons his father has shown him.
Nadalsky could be a sleeper; didn't attain much notoriety in with SLO High but played with and behind some fine players at SLO High. He has had periods in high school where he would hammer the ball and if he gains consistency he will be very solid.
Have to agree with the comments on Mullen...Dad breathing down his neck all the time; would caution that many DI programs "promise" playing time to incoming frosh but not as many deliver.
Will be interesting to see how this all unfolds.
Did someone make an accusation that we have overbearing parents in this county? Not exactly a new concept for high school sports... A couple names were thrown out there, but there's a lot more from what I've seen over the years. It also looks like Mrs. Mullen's feelings got hurt in the middle of this blog so apologies should go out to her. However Mrs. Mullen, I've seen you son play quite a bit over the past couple years and though he has very good talent, your husband has hindered him and the way people look at him. I'm wondering if you already have an apartment in Northridge rented for Mr. Mullen to move into for the next 4 years?
There were several very good D1 prospects in SB & SLO county this year outside of the 3 SLO players and Bob Mott being mentioned. I'm not sure where any of them are going, but JC ball is alive and well in this area with Hancock and Cuesta. I hope to see some of them playing. There are a lot of kids that play the game, but not many have the opportunity to play beyond high school. Fortunately, we'll have a few more good prospects next year to watch in the likes of Peterson from MB, Detz and Morrow from MCP, Allen from A-Town, Shultz and Duvall from SLO. Unfortunately AG, Paso and A-Town look to be thin for next years senior class, but there are several good prospects coming up in 2010 so we'll touch on them next year. Time will tell on all of these players and I wish them good luck and health. Enjoy the game boys, it only lasts for so long.
Don't forget SLO Sr.'s to be Okeefee and Ward. Both were very solid players and have a chance to play beyond high school. Coach Candelle should be happy as heck knowing he has several strong players coming back next year and he doesn't even have to put up Mullen's dad. Do any of the other schools have any studs to be watched?
Where did he "put up Mullens dad" ??
In the ALKING ??
SLO High is going to do some damage next year, not only with a strong senior class but a very solid junior class as well. There are a few juniors who have the capability of starting and actually making a large impact on how the PAC-7 fares out next season.
Mullens old man isn't going anywhere!He also has a kid that plays hoops at SLOHS and he's only a
Soph! Look for 3 more years of Mad Man Mullen's rantings. Thank God you can't smoke in the gym, how is dude ever going to make it!?!?
These are human beings you are putting down, who have feelings. It appears Mullen's old man raised a couple of great kids that have a future in any aspect of life. I guess its true that the winners are always attacked and put down. Too bad you people can't see the good here.
This blog makes me feel alkward.
baby mullen's real future is as a music producer, that kid already produced a song for the Wu Tang Clan
As I understand it O'Keeffe quit the SLO High baseball team due to burnout. Too bad...He was a solid player. What a waste of talent!
"Winners are always attacked and put down"?? - Is a Mom on this blog again?
I'm sure these "winners" will do just fine in life. But let's not pretend that being sucessful in high school sports will make you a "winner" in life.
Real sucess will come from finishing college with a quality education and finding a meaningful career path after basebase.
which mullen will surely struggle with. he was hoping the draft would pick him up so he wouldn't have to face the difficulty of college academics. good luck
by the way the guy 2 spots up said BASEBASE when discussing finishing college and getting an education hahaha
no I am not a mom I am a 66 year old male, fan of good baseball. I also realize that the attacks on individuals are usually provoked by people who have been affected negatively by the others success. Now you are attacking Mullen's academics. As I said this kid will do well in any aspect of life, his work ethics, taught to him by his father will help him win at any profession he opts for.So lets talk about HS baseball and lay off the personal attacks.
its not a personal attack its the truth, i'm glad for darren playing at making the decision to play sum D1 college ball but he will truly have to step up and work extremely hard to success with his schooling.
Hello annonymous attack dog:
with 9 (count-em) grammatical errors in your statement above, I would say you don't have much room to talk about anyone's academic abilities, much less an 18 year old good kid who has done nothing to deserve your ill-mannered, mean-spirited hostility.
In the words of that great 21st Century Philosopher, Rodney King,
"Uhhhhh...Can't we all just get along ?"
How bout AG. AG doms SLO. How about covering AG instead of the Pussies on SLOs gay Sports Teams.
once again it wasn't an attack. and forgive me for not typing perfectly on some blog haha. I believe it was only 3 "h"s in the Rodney King's quote hahaha, your one to talk, right?
thanks grandpa Mullen.
you're welcome grama
I still can't get over the fact that someone dared compare the Mullen kid to Tiger Woods (via the comparison of Dad Mullen's tactics to those of Earl Woods).
The only athlete county wide deserving of mention in the same breath as Tiger Woods is Jordan Hasay.
The ballplayers mentioned here would not even be a blip on the radar in a large market program. I mean, seriously...we are talking about lower-mid level D1 talent, and there wasn't exactly a bidding war for any of them.
None of them are going to take the field for Georgia, Miami, or Fresno State (!). It makes for an interesting blog, but if you keep it in perspective it will most likely be years before another big league star emerges from the local high school scene.
Thank-you Mrs Hasay.
Just got on here, maybe a little late, but SLO High has trumped all other schools in the area in terms of big time MLB players. Admittedly it has been awhile (a long while), but Stanford ace and Cy Young award winner Jim Lonborg prepped at SLO High. More recently, Tim Kubinski made it all the way up (with the A's) before injuries sidelined him.
And going way, way back I believe Mel Queen Jr. played for SLO High, before a decent major league career with the Angels and the Reds.
Impressive....SLO does rule.
Is just me or is anybody else out there sick and tired of reading about Ol' Skin n Bones aka Jordan Hasay? The Trib wrote that Ol' SnB was going to Poland to "take on the world" PULEZZZZZZZZZ! And just who pays all her expenses anyway, Nike Prep?
when your 4th in the world you deserve to get that much attention. i think someone is just a little jealous eh?
I agree. Hasay is exceptional. When it is all said and done will easily be the most famous athlete ever from SLO County. She competed against girls up to 19 years old, the best in the WORLD, and got 4th. How fast is she going to be when she is 19 ??? She has earned her recognition with hard work. Also the most polite and well mannered a person as you will find.
I'm glas they talked about some athletes from AG getting scholarships or walking on to D1 schools. Oh wait? I think Scroggins avoided it? Like the shot putter Maddie Franklin getting a scholarship to UCSB for throwing. Oh, and also Justin Morrow, another shot putter, quite possibly walking on and throwing over at Fresno State with Cutler. It seems like you had a huge article on Cutler getting a 65% scholarship there, but when AG has someone walk on to that same school, you totally blow it off. Justin Cutler is a great kid and deserves all that credit, plus him and morrow are pretty good friends, but give morrow some credit for getting in there. stop being so biased. you had a whole article on some guy from MISSION PREP walking on to a terrible Cal Poly basket ball team. GIVE THESE KIDS SOME CREDIT SCROGGINS!!!
Quote of the day
"quite possibly walking on and throwing over at Fresno State "
And AG could possibly be feeling the heat of a declining athletic program. Maybe they could "walk on" at Mission Prep or St. Joe....
Quite possibly.
Why was Cal Polys Sharon Day, who is ACTUALLY GOING to the Olympics relegated to the back pages of The Trib Sports section while Hasays piehole was plastered all over the front pages for a week? Oh I forgot Day is black :-(
3:33 PM
No need for comments like that. We are all proud of Day. No one has ever said anything but great things about her. In fact we expect great things from Day. Hasay is justthe newest thing going. Ryan Overland only go 4 comments on his blog and he's a college champion.
3:33 PM, you need to take a close look at yourself inside and see if you can be fixed.
Yes, Day rocks. We will be looking forward to seeing her in the Olympics.
3:20- someone has a little hate eh> first off dylan royer attended morro bay and second off its not a huge deal to walk on to schools...its news when local kids go on to play for local colleges. this original article is about 3 kids from the same school getting scholarships so its not like scroggins is picking and choosing what to cover...this is obviously the biggest story.
Im glas Sharon Day is quite possibly black
I'm glas too.
Im quite possibly glas you're glass too!!
Is Sharon Day related to Sharon Glas ?
Quite possibly.
I'm very surprised about the juvenile nature of this blog!
I wish you all would take this topic seriously!
It's a blog not a comic strip!
This is about three very talented local baseball players:
Darrin Glas
Dan Glas
Robbie Glas
Stay on topic!!
Re: Ol' Skin N Bones aka Jordan Hasay.........Where is Zola Budd when ya need her?!?!
This topic has turned south, just trying to keep the heat off "Mad Man" Mullen!
Saw Dan Howell in the Trib playing for the Rattlers. How many SLO County High School grads are playing ball this summer?
12 1/2
= 12 guys + Jordan
1/2 a girl is better then 12 guys anyday
Girl power, ROCK ON.
But since Hasay is ALL GIRL she's worth 24 guys.
These guys are very good high-school baseball players in a relatively small town. They may or may not suceed at the next level. Jordan is a world-class athlete!
And as far as some of the Cal Poly athletes go.... well, most of them have no real local ties. Their home is somewhere else, and I'm sure their hometown papers are making a big fuss about their Olympic bids. I've never really been interested in hearing about the Cal Poly athletes unless they were truely locals.
I wish these 3 ballplayers the best of luck, and I'll be curious to see how well they do, but I'll really be following Jordan.
Go Jordan!
Thanks mrs Hasay,
This blog is about baseball, not your daughter!
The Hasay's just aren't the type to go on a blog. Jordan gets plenty of recognition without anyone in her family having to look for it.
But in your on crude way, you're correct that this discussion should be about baseball.
It's great that all 3 ball players get to play at a D-1 school, but does anyone know how much of a scholarship each got?
- Part tuition?
- All tuition?
- Tuition + room & board?
the only reason i said quite possibly is because he has been in touch with the coach the whole track season and they are trying to clear up some things with his grades. i talked to his father recently and it is almost 100% that he will be throwing for them.
I'd take a walk on in Hawaii if anyone is offering? Aloha
Usually, when a coach invites a player to "join" a D1 program this late in the game (offer in June/July; school starts Aug/Sept)it is as 1)an invited walkon, or 2)a partial scholarship. New NCAA rule is that ALL baseball scholarships must be at least 33% of tuition, fees, room and board.
At this late stage money could become available if a rostered player was drafted and signed, or unexpectedly withdrew or became inelegible.
Nadalsky signed early, and I heard through the grapevine that his scholarship was tuition, room and board. Mullen didn't have much leverage as his only other options when he signed seemed to be a couple of JC programs, and he has been struggling this summer against summer league pitching. Howell signed late with Hawaii, and I don't know what options he had available but he (and Nadalsky) seem to be making the adjustment to hitting college level pitching pretty well.
It is early, though. Only time is gonna tell.
USA TODAY Weds. July 23 reports Jordan Hasay, selected to the 2008 All-USA Track and Field Team , is the GIRLS ATHLETE OF THE YEAR.
Jordan, along with Christine Babcock and Chanelle Price, paced a distance record-breaking season.
By her dedication and commitment to her sport, this magnificent athlete has brought honor to her family, her coach, her school, and her community.
Congratulations for an outstanding performance Jordan !
On a personal note:
Watching you run brought back memories of the great Steve Prefontaine.
How fitting that this is the 100th comment of this blog. Thank you to the Mother of Ol' Skin N Bones for such a well written tribute! Now a memo to Jordan. Why don't you go out and start being a KID! Start with a double double cheeseburger and a large milkhake!
Wow 4:52! You are brutal! Why do you feel the need to take such nasty potshots at Jordan? Everything I have ever heard about her (from kids that go to school with her, my kids did Junior Guards with her)has been nothing but complementary. She seems like a sweet, humble, respectful teenager. Just because she's not out partying and eating junk food doesn't meen she's not getting to be a kid. There sure does seem to be a lot more fat teenagers now than when I was in high school. Maybe this generation needs to be less lazy and entitled and learn an honest work ethic. I think most of them could learn a thing or two from Jordan Hasay.
4:52 AM
You're a strange one. Go back to your donuts. Leave this blog alone.
4:52 your an idiot. I'm embarrassed to have you living in SLO county. Way to go Jordan.
Last 5 Bloggers,
THIS Blog is about: BASEBALL!!
Scroll down to the track blogs, they have a total of 5 comments. You'll be talking to people who care and we won't have to wade through your unrelated comments.
12:01 PM
Other then crying, what is you addition to the baseball blog? You're no better. Make a comment about baseball next time or don't show up just to complain.
Ol'Skin n Bones makes Ethiopans look like Rosie! I actually feel sorry for her not having a childhood. At least Mommy Dearest gave her a week off so she could sleep in until 6 a.m. I don't see this ending well.How sad:-(
if you felt sorry for her you wouldn't be the jerk ragging on her in a baseball blog. god your pathetic.
Grama Hasay, Scrol down to bones blog and leave baseball blog alone.
You're sure angry for your age!!
What's a "you addition"?
What's a "you addition"?
"talk baseball"
Without a doubt, and I am talking baseball, this has been the most entertainment I have had in the last 5 minutes. I have never had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting the Mullens, however as a resident of SLO county for the past 30 years, I have never heard a nice thing about the parents. I hope I never have to meet them. I hope the kids can move on and forget them.
I've never met you and I dont like you either.
Very mature.
How can you live 30 years and act like a 12 year old?
I have been going to SLO Little League and Babe Ruth ball games for quite awhile, and over the years I have met some of the nicest parents, grandparents, siblings, and coaches of the players. It has been such a pleasure to be in the stands with so many nice people, many of whom I now consider friends. However, in reading some of the comments on this blog, I have been surprized to see some very negative and hateful things directed to one baseball player in particular and his parents, and one track star and her mother. How could this forum, which started with an interesting premise about 3 players getting D-l scholarships, have degraded to a site for anonymous personal attacks that have nothing to do with the point at hand? A father smokes? So What! Why is that anyone's business? An outstanding athlete with grace and speed unmatched in our county, is compared to poor starving Ethopians? Appalling! What unseemly talk from a person or persons who more than likely would not have the guts to say the same things to the athletes or their parents face to face. Whoever you are, you should be ashamed of yourself. If you're not, you should see a shrink.
And even the Ethopians are mad.......at being compared to Rosie!
1:29 AM
to answer your question "how can this happen to this blog" ??
The Tribune cares nothng about the blog. They pulled Scroggins off it and assigned a no show kid. They don't even read it so some bloggers get very cruel with their statements. It's up to reasonable bloggers like yourself to call people on their poor blog entries. No one from the Trib will, the Tribune doesn't read it, they don't care.
SLO does't play Little League.
And, if you're bloggin' at 1:29am you're a loser!
3 Ethiopians got D1 baseball scholarships!
I saw an Ethiopian's father smokin'
Errata: Cal Ripkin. Better? Thank you for pointing out my obvious, unintentional error.
I hear the Ol' Skin n Bones World Tour has recently landed in Maui! She flew in on Air Bones One. Bad news though. Seems on her first day there she fell asleep in the sun. She burned her chest so bad her back began to peel!
This just in on the AP Wire -
Police Log:
3 ranting Ethiopians, arrested at the Cal State Northridge baseball field, were charged with disturbing the peace after they were seen smoking and pacing in the outfield. They would not sit down after being asked to by the jeering crowd, prefering instead, to shout instructions to the freshman catcher who apparently was unable to think for himself. A search of their just-leased apartment on campus revealed a 4 year supply of cigarettes and a worn out NCAA rule book turned to the chapter on scholarship percentages.
one problem; they don't teach percentages till your senior year at Northridge
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