One of the recent posters on the previous blog, which is up over 125 comments now, is talking about looking ahead to next football season. But "anonymous 8:42" (Hey! I thought you guys and girls were going to stick with names?!) is not alone.
You all seem interested in next season already. But here's my question: Is anyone sticking around to talk basketball?
The Tribune's high school basketball preview stories were published in Thursday's paper, and I'm spending all day Thursday at Morro Bay's Harding Invitational Tournament.
I know the previews did not go very in-depth into all of the local teams, but that's more of a staffing challenge than lazy reporting by yours truly. Feel free to send me an e-mail if you have any specific questions or concerns on that front.
I'm also planning a more thorough league preview once the teams get ready to enter their respective conference play and I have seen all of them in person. It'll be similar to the midseason review we ran last year.
Anywho, I'm gauging the basketball interest. Capt. of Templeton Injured, it seems like you've got much to cheer about with Michael Hattar. And Logan Budd disciples in Morro Bay can shift their hopes over to Dylan Royer. PAC 7 teams look like they'll have a tough time with Righetti, but there's plenty of intrigue there, too.
Will Paso Robles make a comeback under Scott Larson? Can Arroyo Grande carry over last season's playoff success with composed-beyond-his-years sophomore center Tanner Hinek? What direction does San Luis Obispo go in the post-Conner Reese era? And how will Atascadero and Nipomo rebound after losing a couple of great scorers?
Mission Prep still has plenty left in the cupboard in its second year without Tom Mott. The Christmas Classic looks to be top notch. And I have a feeling there might be plenty of parity in girls basketball.
So what do you say? Can we talk some hoop?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Hoop it here?
Posted by
Joshua D. Scroggin
11:07 PM
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If you want us to Hoop it up then we need closure on football.
Please post the All-Pac 7 League teams and the All-Los Padres League teams then football will be done.
That's right, leading scorer in the county last year, kid's a beast. Oh, and I go to school with him! Pwned!
These past years, templeton's basketball team has gotten better and better. Why? Because my class, the senior class, have composed the varsity basketball team every year! Now, we're back again! Double-pwned!
Oh, and as for Atascadero, they lost to us yesterday. Triple-pwned.
How in the world did Templeton beat A'town. Can't be. We all know LPL teams (especialy good ones) cannot beat Pac-7 teams.
Must be another one of those 1-man LPL 'teams' because as we know LPL are always one man teams when they are good but Pac-7 are real 'teams'.
LPL is good. We have great athletes all over this County. But since you want to keep the fight alive we need to bring up the fact that little schools do well in little sports. You know, the sports without contact.
The sports that girls play.
I like how it's not about how good somebody is at a sport, but how big and manly they are now. By that definition, Michael Jordan was a crappy athelete. Please, try to accept the fact that you're going to be beaten by the little guys at some point.
And one last bit, the comment above the "anonymous" I'm responding to is sarcastic, retard who's above me. I guess you make up for being great at athletics by being really stupid in the PAC-7.
I don't understand why all this hate talk. It's no kids fault if they go to a small school or a big school. They are born into their families and play where their parents live. If you want to talk about basketball, look at Mission Prep. A small school that historically does an excellent job in basketball. Also didn't Atascadero recently send a superstar to the college ranks? I don't care about Pac7 vs LPL. Grow up out there. Let's just talk about some of our excellent basketball players regardless of which league they play in.
but I just cannot understand how little 'ol girls school Templeton could beat A'town. We know they could not beat them in football. We've been told over and over and over no way no how. Templeton can't beat 'em, Pioneer Valley can't beat 'em, Morro Bay can't beat 'em. A'town got beat by a bunch of sissies?? What is going on? A'town is bigger, stronger, faster, with better athletes. No little sissy LPL school can beat them. Maybe they threw the game? Wonder what the Vegas line on the game was, some heavy money must of come in on this one. I can see that A'town won't be ready for that tough Pac-7 schedule after playing that cupcake Templeton!!
HAHAHA!! This is pretty funny! Hey, we outscore the crap out of you in state testing, AP program success, the list could go on, and it obviously does not exclude basketball. COngradulations! You're a sore loser, and you want to keep fighting over something COMPLETELY RETARDED.
Let's just keep it about the kids, and why they're good.
Some differences exist between football and basketball. Depth is not as much of an issue. Whether in a school of 800 or a school of 1,600, it shouldn't be too hard to find 15 players. Meanwhile, a school of 800 might have 30 or 40 players on the football team, while the larger school will have 60 players. That depth is the major difference between a PAC 7 school and an LPL school in football. But both size schools will have 15 or so players on the basketball team, with five on the floor at any one time. Having one or two star athletes out of five makes more of a difference than having one or two star athletes out of 11.
No one (with any sense, anyway) ever said Templeton doesn't have a few good athletes. But take starters No. 1 through No. 22 on Atascadero's football team vs. Templeton's football team and that's why everyone said Templeton can't beat Atascadero in football. But trying to match up starters No. 1 through No. 5 on a basketball team is a lot less of a task.
there is some truth to that, however, the percentages don't change, you're still more likely to get 5 average taller athletes on BB team and have a huge advantage just the same as football, the bigger pool applies. This is the last time I'll harp on this but only because of those that said a school like PV or MB could not beat A'town in football, especially this year, are foolish. PV has 2500 students, MB 882, A'town 1800, the point was they had enough O or D firepower to make plays to beat a team like A'town.
It's great to watch the HS kids make plays, both the stars and the role players. What has changed since I played is the muscle of BB players in HS regardless of height. It's more of a strength game now.
Pioneer Valley will get it's chance next year in football. I believe they are moving to the Pac 7. They should be the largest school in the Pac 7.
School size doesn't matter in basketball. 2 or 3 great players is all it takes to win.
1) Basketball is overrated!
2) These posts aren't aimed at the kids that are playing the sports. But if your kids are reading these they need to realize that their feelings need to be toughened up in JR High because high school sports are competitive, well unless you play for a LPL size league then it's just for fun LOL. So kids tough'n up, play harder, or play for fun and not care what people say, or don't play and don't go snifflin.
3) PAC7 fans need to realized that LPL fans feel belittled because they are waaaaaaay down in their little bitty league that will always get overlooked by the big coaches down south, so they will continue to make irrational statements and comparisons to try and boost their low self-esteem, when it really isn't doing anything but wasting time and comment space and annoying the crap out of people.
4) Oh and Complaining/Confused/Sad LPL fans why don't you go rally outside your local school to try and get bumped up to PAC7.........WARNING.........
our kids are safer in the LPL, if they move up to PAC7 expect your kids to get hit and injured! :)
Oh ya smile everyone its Friday! yaaaaaay :)
OK, before this thread got too out of hand, I got rid of a couple off-topic posts.
There's no need for any hostility, but please keep the sports debates up. Like I said, the decision-makers here at The Tribune are noticing your contributions, and they are greatly appreciated.
And what happened to everyone sticking to screen names? Let's get un-anonymous again. It's a lot more fun.
How about a poll on basketball to calm everyone down?
I'm gonna vote for Mission Prep.
How long before football season begins again!!!!
lol....ya lets talk about next years football teams....anyone know of upcoming sophmores that are any good?...
to whoever said that the lpl doesn't get looked at by teams down south, just to let you know, the player thats been playin AAU basketball down south plays for mb. and besides him hattar is probably the next talented player in the county. so last time i checked lpl is strong in bball. football you can argue all you want, but in basketball its not a big difference. besides morro bay would beat atascadero in basketball this year.
Maybe girls basketball
naw guys too, who's gonna gaurd royer and bussberg? atascadero has nobody anymore, danny and andrew were their whole team last year.
anon 6:58-
....I was talking about is isn't worth talking about!
basketball is better then football
sorry but b-ball is maybe 10% as interesting as football....and that's being generous!
One of the best things about basketball and baseball is you don't have to wait 7 days in between games.
Wait a minute. Baseball isn't even a sport, it's a game, like ping pong or golf. Fat drunk guys can play baseball so don't throw it in this discussion.
Fat drunk guys play slow-pitch softball, not baseball.
Right, baseball players all chew tobacco and take drugs. I think the fat beer drinking slow pitch guys are better role models.
last time i checked football had more fat slow guys then any other sport
thats funny.. morro bay beat a-town by sixteen
Not funny at all. Mrro Bay shows off some serious talent.
yeah they do, but who else do they have besides royer
bussberg is avg almost a double double 12 and 9.7 or something, he was honorable mention all league last year off the bench. wu is avg about 10 ppg, he hit 7 threes in one game. they have a lot of guys that people probably rarely heard of last year that are sr's this year and are playin well.
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